Tourism Data Use Case

Dashboard – Swiss Tourism in Figures

Use Case 1

Swiss Tourism in Figures published as Dashboard

We intent to show essential data about Swiss tourism data in filterable dashbaords. Together with partners from the Swiss tourism industry, these dashboards are developed to complement existing dashbaords about the indsutry.

The raw data used for the dashboard is collected and prepared by the Federal Statistical Office (BFS). Click on the following buttons below to navigate to the respective dashboard.

Do you want to work on another data use case?

Do you have other ideas how to use tourism data in practice?
We would be more than happy to discuss it. Please contact us.

This website was created as part of Resilient Tourism Project (Suproject 1: - National Data Infrastructure for Tourism).  Resilient Tourism is one of 15 flagship projects approved and supported by the Innosuisse- Swiss Innovation Agency. Flagship projects are systemic and transdisciplinary innovations that are central to current and future economic and social challenges in Switzerland.