Tourism Data Category


Offer data in tourism is data related to tourism services. This can be descriptions, including pictures and videos, but also opening hours, availability and prices. Providers of tourism services such as bookable activities, accommodation, events, restaurants, transport, etc., collect this information and often publish it online. If this data is to be accessible, it makes sense to provide it in a standardised way so that platforms and partners can access it via an API.

Opening Hours

The opening times of points of interest (POIs) and tourist facilities are often published on the websites of the providers. Besides that, there are platforms that list complete information about activities and businesses. An important platform in Switzerland that collects listings on a variety of topics such as events, activities, holiday apartments, businesses, jobs, culture, courses, news, webcams, sports events and routes is Guidle.

Another widely used and therefore up-to-date platform is Tripadvisor. In Switzerland, most businesses are additionally listed on The opening hours of service providers can also be found on maps such as GoogleMaps or Open Street Map (OSM). The latter is open data and can therefore be used freely.


As most activities can now be booked online, it is possible to check whether a service is available or not. Information on capacity and availability can additionally be found on the platforms mentioned under ‘Opening Hours’ and ‘Prices’.

Benchmark information, particularly for the hospitality sector, is provided by the following companies: STRTransparentH-Benchmark.


STRTransparentH-Benchmark provide insights, especially price information benchmarks for the hospitality industry. Price information for specific services and offers is also available on websites such as Guidle, Tripadvisor and Booking.

Description of Offers

The description of POIs and tourist facilities can usually be found on the websites of the providers. However, most providers are also present on the previously mentioned platforms like Guidle, Tripadvisor, Booking, GoogleMaps or Open Street Map.

Media Content of Offers

Image and video content, also known as media content of POIs and offers can be found on platforms like Guidle, Tripadvisor, Booking, GoogleMaps or Open Street Map. On request, Switzerland Tourism provides access to an image gallery.


Webcams in Switzerland can be found on these websites:

Places & POI’s

Detailed information about POIs can be found on these websites:

Content of the Open Street Map can be used without any restriction, as this is an open-source project. The OpenStreetBrowser makes it even easier to search for and use POIs.

Additional Information

There are various initiatives to communicate better accessibility information within tourism infrastructure, such as accessibility for disabled people, accessibility for wheelchairs, prams, etc.

Information about the accessibility for disabled people can be found on:

Child-friendly activities, accommodations and restaurants in and around Zurich can be found on

Data source missing?

Do you know other important data sources which are not mentioned above. Inputs about further data sources are welcome. Please contact us.

This website was created as part of Resilient Tourism Project (Suproject 1: - National Data Infrastructure for Tourism).  Resilient Tourism is one of 15 flagship projects approved and supported by the Innosuisse- Swiss Innovation Agency. Flagship projects are systemic and transdisciplinary innovations that are central to current and future economic and social challenges in Switzerland.